Brisbane, Australia

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Audition Buddy – Workshop and Course

Audition Buddy

Audition Buddy – Self-Tape Workshop and Course

Audition Buddy provides a supportive environment, creatively mentoring actors and non-actors through single workshops and intensive courses of six, eight, ten and/or twelve week terms, exploring creativity through interactive dynamic actor training suitable for actors and non-actors alike, because self-tapes can be made by those who are creative and those who are less creative, yet still goal orientated.

To learn more or to secure your booking, please contact Mark on 0412786549 or .

EFT is also available:

BSB: 084-484

Account number: 72 611 4074

Account Name: My Mobile Mentor

Ref: First/Last name + Workshop or Course.

Is there a secret to a good self tape?

Yes, a good self tape can speak volumes through the power of the eyes of the one sharing the message.  Once our candidate learns how to use their eyes to convey a certain message, suddenly the words become less important than the message shared from the eyes themselves.  Our eyes are not only a window to our soul, our eyes are also a tool towards the intricate art of emotional translation and energetic exchange, making the audience undeniably engaged.

Mark’s experience as a professional actor and teaching artist aims to demonstrate this creative skill, and you can too.

Audition Buddy offers a consistently rich workshop for one on one appointments, as well as short, medium and longer courses for those interested in perfecting the art of self-tape performance, because self-tape is a long term commitment of great rewards, personally and professionally. #selftapeworkshopbrisbane #auditionbuddy

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