Brisbane, Australia

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Australian Actors Studio – Introducing Shae

The Australian Actors Studio offers a comprehensive environment for actors to explore their craft through diverse activities, team-building scenarios, and acting techniques. Regular workshops facilitate actors’ discovery of their creativity and imagination through collaborative work, enhancing artistic expression and confidence. To learn more, please contact David Armstrong at 0733584949 or

How can actors effectively balance dialogue and active listening without compromising their ability to recall lines?


Shae’s experience demonstrates the importance of identifying and addressing obstacles to memory recall, enabling actors to deliver lines confidently while maintaining focus on their scene partner, thus cultivating authenticity and creative expression. The Australian Actors Studio provides a comprehensive program for actors to develop their skills in memorizing dialogue, active listening, and authentic expression, preparing them for success in stage, screen, and voice-over performances.   #australianactorsstudio #auditionbuddy

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