The Australian Actors Studio offers a comprehensive environment for actors to explore their craft through diverse activities, team-building scenarios, and acting techniques. Regular workshops facilitate actors’ discovery of their creativity and imagination through collaborative work, enhancing artistic expression and...
The Australian Actors Studio is dedicated to providing actors with a valuable resource to refine their craft, allowing them to explore their creative range through engaging workshops and boosting their artistic instincts and confidence. For more information, please contact...
The Australian Actors Studio aims to provide actors with a proactive platform to hone their craft, observe, and explore their creative range through dynamic workshops, enhancing creative instinct and self-confidence. To learn more, contact David Armstrong at 0733584949 or
“The heart of acting is the willingness to let your guard down and expose your true self.” Susan Batson Absolutely, and a fundamental principle we teach in our acting workshops is that we must be present, not just for...
In our acting workshop, we engage in an exercise that involves taking a dramatic scene, internalizing the anger, reducing vocal volume, and utilizing pace, poise, and silence. This task proves to be a far more challenging experience than many...
Both groups, actors and non-actors are usually defined by their mindset, because and some may argue, however; that there are some really talented non-actors in our community. Non-actors usually have a completely different reason for choosing acting than actors...
Line + Subtext + Meaning + Reason + Movement = Storytelling. It all begins with a line, and with that line comes subtext, usually aligned with a story behind the story being told. From our line and subtext, we...
What is a non-actor? Non-actors are usually people who can see fit learning acting skills that can support their personal or professional goals. Non-actors usually also have a zest for learning, discovering and exploring their own self expression for...
Positive Impact Academy have their next and final dynamic course for this studio, starting on the 24/07/2024 at 6-9pm, running for 8 weeks, including a live showcase to friends, family & invited guests, at their Brisbane studio, corner Herschel...
The new workshop space will comfortably accomodate 15 students, for classes of 2, 3 & 4hrs, for an 8 week term exploring Acting101, Self tape, level 1 Foundation Intensive, Level 2 Actors Immersive, A Buffett of Acting Styles, American...